How does Robert Louis Stevenson create mystery and suspense in Dr Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

In the story Stevenson creates mysteries that are needed to be solved. In each chapter he gives clues about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The clues from each chapter helps the reader and Mr Utterson to solve the case. Mr Utterson is the lawyer and he wants to know who Mr Hyde is about and his life. Mr Hyde is a very dangerous he has a lot of anger and strength. Dr Jekyll is a doctor and is a friend of Mr Utterson’s and him and Mr Hyde are the same person. Dr Jekyll made a poison where he can transform in somebody else. He drank the poison and he turn into a violent and horrid guy called Mr Hyde. Also Stevenson uses dramatic irony a lot. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows that something is happening but the character don’t know.

There are some clues that Stevenson wants you to pick up on is that went Dr Jekyll is around Mr Hyde isn’t around and when Mr Hyde is around Dr Jekyll isn’t around. Also in the story Mr Utterson found a letter belonging to Mr Hyde and he saw that the writing of the letter and it has Dr Jekyll writing. In the letter Dr Jekyll was talking about is transformation into Mr Hyde. He said the he felt stronger than ever, evil, wicked and he felt braced and delighted. He also wrote that he had a new life. The other clue In the story was when Dr Jekyll’s servant and Mr Utterson destroyed down the door to get Dr Jekyll after hearing a loud noise and found Mr Hyde on the Floor wearing clothes what were to small for him. The clothes were Dr Jekyll’s. That give you a big clue that Mr Hyde is a normal human being. The clothes what Dr Jekyll was wearing during when he was changing to Mr Hyde something happened and the transformation didn’t work.


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